Profit Builder Courses - Red Light Therapy Training, Spray Tanning Certification, Skincare and Tanning Product Sales, HaloTherapy (Salt Therapy), CryoTherapy Essentials and How to Start Your Own Business - Business Startup Training

Price $45 - Save $100s compared to other spray tan courses.

Spray Tan TrainingSpray Tanning is a fundamental offering for tanning businesses. It is used by people who already tan indoors and also attracts a new client base that chooses not to use UV based tanning.

Well trained Spray Technicians are key to providing the high quality applications that customers of this personal service require and expect.

This video course teaches how to deliver consistently high quality HVLP spray tan applications.  The course covers:

* Sunless Tanning Background.
* Spray Equipment Care.
* Pre-Spray Preparation.
* Legs and Lower Body Application.
* Body Contouring to accentuate the Abs, Back and Breasts.
* Upper Body Application.
* Care after the Spray and Spray Care Products.
* Guidance for Starting Your Spray Tanning Business.

The material includes a module on things to do and consider in starting your own spray tanning business. That discussion serves as preparation for a full business startup course.

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Comments from spray business owners about our course:
"I absolutely loved this course and would recommend to anyone eager to learn. Super easy to understand! Love that this was so easy and convenient!" - Erin
"I really liked the course! The information provided gives me more confidence with starting my spray tan business." - Hannah
"Loved it! From the history to the application. Love making people feel beautiful." - Caroline
"Great course, easy to navigate, straight to the point." - Morgan

You can be the Spray Tanning Diva; "Custom Spray Tanning Certification" and "How to Start Your Own Business" courses both in a single enrollment for just $55

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

We suggest you review the course material multiple times. After you take the course and do a first spray with a volunteer model go back through the course again. Repeat as needed; you can go through the course material as often as you wish for up to 30 days with a single course enrollment payment.

Price $25

Starting her own businessBusiness Startup Training; from Planning and Preparation all the way to Marketing and Sales.

A practical guide to get you up and running quickly.

This course prepares students for the steps involved to get a business set up and into operation.

The course covers the following topics:
  • Upfront Planning and Preparation.
  • How to Form Your Business Legally.
  • How to Organize Your Business Operationally.
  • How to Market Your Business.

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

We suggest you review the course material multiple times. After you take the course and think about it's ideas go back through the course again. Repeat as needed; you can go through the course material as often as you wish for up to 30 days with a single course enrollment payment.

Price $55 - Save $100s compared to other spray tan courses.

Spray Tan TrainingThis is a Bundle that includes both our "Custom HVLP Spray Tanning Certification" and "How to Start Your Own Business" courses in a single enrollment.

Learn what you need to start your own spray tanning business here and Save 20% when combining these 2 business building learning experiences; save hundreds compared to other spray tan courses.

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

Price $25

Red Light Therapy TrainingRed Light Therapy continues to increase in popularity in full service salons and spas, fitness clubs and gyms, as well as indoor tanning salons.

Now there is a alternative for Red Light Therapy Training. Before the SunFocus Red Light course the only options were for full esthetician curriculum courses requiring hundreds of hours of classroom time and many hundreds of dollars.

This course covers the delivery of Red Light therapy services.

Blue light, full spectrum light, InfraRed and other light therapies are also reviewed.

Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and other therapies generally requiring an esthetician or medical credential / license are beyond the scope of this course; they will be overviewed, but are not intended to be covered in detail.

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A couple of comments from business owners about our course -

  • "I was thrilled to find this course and am glad to have an affordable option for getting important information needed. The Resources and forms were a huge help. Thank you so much for making this available and affordable." - Mary
  • "Amazing content" - Brittany
  • "This course was informational and helpful!" - Noah
  • "This course was a huge help to understand RLT for our salon." - Cassie
  • "Easy to use" - Cindy

Business Bundle; "Red Light Therapy Training" and "How to Start Your Own Business" courses both in a single enrollment for just $40

You should expect to spend about 2 hours in the course material.
Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

Price $40
Ready for BusinessThis is a Bundle that includes both our "Red Light and Light Therapy" and "How to Start Your Own Business" courses in a single enrollment.

Learn what you need to start your own personal service business here and Save 20% when combining these 2 business building learning experiences.

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

Price $25

Lotion Sales TrainingIndustry leaders tell us that 30% or more of a tanning salon's revenue should come from product sales.That goal can be achieved!

The key to jump starting your sales to that level is training your staff of Customer Service Representatives in sales skills and knowledge about the products.

This video course is designed to Jumpstart Employee Sales. It covers the Key Four Steps of Sales so you can Present the Products and their Benefits, Overcome Objections and Close the Sale.

Also covered is how to understand tanning product ingredients and what you need to understand to communicate their benefit to the customer.

Login as "Guest" for a Product Sales Free Course Preview 

A couple of comments from business owners about our course -

  • "I liked how helpful every video was." - Ashley
  • "Great educative course." - Sandy
  • "The course was great!" - Kimberly
  • "Very informative." - Douglas
  • "This was very helpful, I will have staff use this". - Carolyn

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

We suggest you review the course material multiple times. After you take the course and try it's ideas with customers go back through the course again. Repeat as needed; you can go through the course material as often as you wish for up to 30 days with a single course enrollment payment.

Price $25

HaloTherapy, also called Salt Therapy, is a form of alternative medicine and a wellness practice that is increasing in popularity.

This course covers:

  • The History and Types of Salt Therapy.
  • The Structure of the Respiratory System and Skin.
  • How HaloTherapy Works; its Benefits and Use.
  • Session Preparation, Execution & AfterCare.
  • Licensing and Regulation
  • Business Model Considerations

Now there is a alternative for HaloTherapy Training. The SunFocus Halotherpy course requires only a couple of hours to complete and costs just $25; compared to others that cost hundreds of dollars and require a very significant investment of your time.

This course covers the delivery of Dry Salt Therapy services; Wet Salt Therapy is overviewed but not covered in detail.  Both "Active" and "Passive" Salt Therapy environments are covered.

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

Price $25

CryosaunaCryotherapy, including Whole Body Cryotherapy is rapidly growing in popularity.  While still in it's infancy in the market place it continues to grow as stand-alone businesses as well as an additional service or amenity offered in spas, wellness centers, sports medicine providers, fitness clubs and indoor tanning businesses.  

This course provides a broad background understanding of cryotherapy as a potential business area.

This course is designed to familiarize you with cryotherapy services -

  • What it is.
  • How it works.
  • What benefits it is used for.
  • What equipment is used.
  • What are the regulations.

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Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

Price $95

Full Menu of Course"UV Tanning Certification Training" combined with these 2 fundamental Profit Building Courses for your bronzing business

  • "Spray Tanning Certification"
  • "Tanning and SkinCare Product Sales Training" 

Read course descriptions here.

Get the training you need to be a full service tanning provider and Save $20 when combining these 3 tanning essentials training courses.

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.

Price $125

Full Menu of Course"UV Tanning Certification Training" combined with these 5 great Profit Building Courses 

  • "Spray Tanning Certification"
  • "Red Light Therapy Certification"
  • "How to Start Your Own Business"
  • "Tanning and SkinCare Product Sales Training" 
    • "Cryo Therapy Basics Training" 

Read course descriptions here.

Get our complete menu of tanning and related services training and Save $65 when combining these 6 business building learning experiences.

Enrollments in this course expire in 30 days.