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Does North Carolina require 2 tanning certification training courses?

Picture of Terry Hurst
Does North Carolina require 2 tanning certification training courses?
by Terry Hurst - Sunday, November 8, 2020, 8:32 PM

I am researching to become a tanning salon owner in North Carolina. Most other sites are requiring two courses for this. Does your one course cover what others are using two for?

Picture of Frank Vierling
Re: Does North Carolina require 2 tanning certification training courses?
by Frank Vierling - Monday, November 9, 2020, 9:59 AM

Ours is an integrated course, specifically written for NC requirements, that covers all aspects of the tanning operators job as well as regulations.  In fact it was the first online course approved by NC Radiation Protection.

The online course is the follow on to our classroom course that was the most widely presented training in NC for over 15 years.

The training draws heavily from our experience owning and operating a small chain of salons in the Raleigh area.