"Ask SunFocus" Q & A Forum

Do I have to finish my tanning training course all at one time?

Picture of Megan Perry
Do I have to finish my tanning training course all at one time?
by Megan Perry - Monday, November 9, 2020, 11:38 AM

Do I have to finish the training all at one time or can I interrupt and come back another time ? Can it be continued on another day?

Picture of Frank Vierling
Re: Do I have to finish my tanning training course all at one time?
by Frank Vierling - Monday, November 9, 2020, 7:47 PM

You can interrupt a course at any time, return later even on a different day, and resume where you left off. Unlike some other vendors we do not discard your work overnight. You can even interrupt a quiz, just click on "Finish" to save your work and when you are ready you can return and restart the quiz.  When you click "Submit All and Finish" the quiz will be saved and graded, at that point you would need to start any attempt is you were not satisfied with your score.