"Ask SunFocus" Q & A Forum

Does SunFocus have a magazine? I'd like to subscribe.

Picture of Tammy Boone
Does SunFocus have a magazine? I'd like to subscribe.
by Tammy Boone - Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:52 AM

Other certification vendors have magazines and memberships to join, I can't find yours.

Picture of Frank Vierling
Re: Does SunFocus have a magazine? I'd like to subscribe.
by Frank Vierling - Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 5:50 PM

Sorry,  We're in the Tanning Business not the publishing business.

Unlike other certification vendors we have no magazine or magazine affiliation. No costly membership program for you to pay for. No advertisers or sponsors to promote.

We do have over 20 years of experience in the tanning industry as salon owners and certification providers. Since 1994 SunFocus has been the smart tanning training choice.

We do send an email newsletter monthly with hints to help your tanning business. You can signup on our training site https://tanningclass.com/

Picture of Frank Vierling
Re: Does SunFocus have a magazine? I'd like to subscribe.
by Frank Vierling - Sunday, January 31, 2021, 7:50 PM